Thursday, November 11, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 11

I'm so far's not even funny. 5010 words behind, to be exact. This is all I'm going to write. Now back to noveling. And yelling at myself all night long. I'm fighting a losing battle. I'll leave it at that.

Ashley the Exhausted

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 3

I am 4512 words in, grateful for all the forum posts that demanded readers to write 200 or 100 or whatever words before doing anything else. My curiosity got the best of me. Twice. So I'm doing just fine. The goal for today is 5001 and I can easily put in 489 words in about a half hour. Which is what I'm going to go do. Right now. Happy writing!

Until next time,

Ashley the Awesome and Brilliant

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 2

Okay so I totally forgot to blog yesterday, which was a monumental day because NaNoWriMo started! Yay! Except I just wasn't feeling what I was writing and was barely able to sneak by with my word count of 1670 words (only three over the target count per day) at 11:50 last night. It was no bueno. But. I figured out what was wrong - the format I'd originally decided to write in, third person, with journal entries from my main character every now and then, was just so...not me. I'd written the second book in the series in first person and Jordan (my MC) had a voice of her own and apparently didn't want me to take that away from her. I didn't scrap what I'd done yesterday and for the beginning of today, but I did start writing in first person again and things came so much easier than yesterday - I'm up to 3347 words, which is about 20 words over where I'm supposed to be, which is better than being behind. I'm probably going to take a quick nap and then start working again so I can get ahead this week, seeing as week 2 is ALWAYS the hardest, so I've been told. I know last year I didn't even write anything for weeks 2 and 3 because I just couldn't bring myself to. Well, that's not happening this year because I'm going to finish. On time or early. And start on the third book, hopefully. It's going to be a busy month and I'm so ready for it. :)

Good luck, all you NaNoers!

Until next time,

Ashley the Awesome and Brilliant