Saturday, December 11, 2010

Failsauce at life. I believe it is exactly one month since I last blogged. Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Okay. So, I finished NaNoWriMo at about 11:45pm November 30th with 50,005 words. After going back and taking out all the wordpadding and fluff, I was left with about 35,000 usable words. Fantastic. But there's so much I left out in an attempt to finish. Basically, I spent a week and a half of the month not writing at all because there was just so much going on and I just...forgot, essentially.

I went to Kansas for Thanksgiving with my family and couldn't write much because of my cousins and angry looks from my family. And because all my teachers decided they wanted to assign projects to be due within the last two days of November. Fantastic. I resolved not to write until I got all my work done so I wouldn't fail. I produced, in the span of three days, a powerpoint presentation for my music appreciation class, a three page paper and presentation for archaeology, a career project for psychology and memorized lines for a scene for acting. And then I wrote.

So, November 29th, my Institute teacher, Brother Ashcroft, told me to just get some sleep because I could write better when not exhausted. So I passed out on my floor that night, not attempting to write. November 30th dawned bright and early, my word count at only 25,516 words. I gave my presentation for archaeology and performed my scene with my group, got my last tech hour done for acting so I didn't fail the class, drove straight home and locked myself in my room to finish, and finish I did. In eight hours, I wrote 24,489 words. My cousin came in about every hour to make sure I hadn't fallen asleep or gone insane, even brought me a pint of ice cream and basically kept me from offing myself along with my characters. :D

Even after all of that exhausting writing, I'm still thinking about my story and the things I need to develop and change. It's still exciting, which makes me happy because I've heard that some people get really burned out after pulling sessions like that so it's all good.

I'll try and blog more frequently, especially since I'm out of school for over a month - it's fantastic. I'll be watching more Heroes since I seem to get some inspiration from that show, along with Doctor Who and Star Trek. (I admit to being a total nerd.) I'm surrounded by little kids right now because my mother decided to host a party for her rugrats at church so I don't know how much longer I can spend on the computer...I'll post more later if I survive.

Ashley the Frazzled