Thursday, July 21, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo: Day 21

So...yeah. Over 13,000 word deficit currently...not doing so hot. It's not for a lack of trying. Things have been really...stressful. Just been dealing with things that are difficult to handle and priorities have been shifted. I'm going to do my best to finish on time - heck, last year I had tests and presentations on November 30 and I had a 25,000 word deficit and I still finished with 15 minutes to spare. This time, it's summer break...hopefully I can finish. Hopefully. Anyways, I've got plans with a friend tonight so I'll write more later...hopefully after a 5k word sprint. (:

Not giving up yet,

Ashley Smashley

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo: Day 12's been crazy. I got really into writing and plotting and planning and...stuff. xD And then I left for Maine to do some setting creation (and visit my grandparents) and they didn't have good internet (not that I minded) so it's...been a while. But I'm still writing. I'm somewhere around 14.5k, which is, sadly, slightly behind but I'm hoping to make up for it now that my Maine scenes are no longer tabooed. So, back to writing for Ashley.


Ashley Smashley

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo: Day 2

So...I got writer's block after reaching 5.7k words. Not good. I went back to the drawing board/index cards and am severely plotting the heck out of my story so I have scenes to write, even if they're done out of order. The beginning of the book takes place in Maine and the scenes there rely on setting so...I don't want to write them and have them be completely inaccurate. Anyways...I'm nearly done with the index cards - I've come up with SOOOOO many ideas that work so much better for the storyline and I'm INCREDIBLY excited to get back to work. I also have new subplots and character development so I think it's going to be a great month. Hopefully, I'll finish plotting tomorrow/late tonight and be able to get back to the actual writing before my surplus runs dry and I fall into the hole.

Happy writing!


Ashley Smashley

Friday, July 1, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo: Day One

Well, I made it to July, which is an accomplishment in and of itself. :D I've started writing while letting the sprinklers water my dying yard. I'm outside because my HOA is really persnickety about people monitoring their sprinklers, and also because I thought it would give me the whole outdoorsy far, I'm getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. Not really the experience I was going for but oh well. I'll retire to my bedroom (with my nice clean desk and food) where I can run the fan as much as I want...and also apply itch-be-gone to the thousands of bites I've got. :D It's all good though. I'm enjoying myself. It's going to be a good summer.

Happy camping!

Ashley Smashley