Thursday, October 28, 2010

I don't know what happened!

So, I was just planning, you know, making some notes about the country I created and it was only supposed to be a daily life schedule kind of thing and then this character just came out of NOWHERE, pretty much demanding to make himself known. Now...there's a backstory and a freaking COMPANION series forming! IT'S NOT EVEN NOVEMBER YET! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH YOU, BLAKE!? This is going to be quite interesting. :P

Until next time,

Ashley the Awesome, Brilliant and friggin INSANE

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NaNoWriMo in: four days!

Yay! I'm way excited about this - I've been coming up with summaries and plot synopsis's and have just been planning up a storm. My desk is clean, my inspiration board is done (post-its this time) and I'm so ready for this. Like, you have NO IDEA how ready I am for this. Oh! I also have my fingerless gloves and people to keep me on track this next month. Which I'm going to need DESPERATELY because I'm writing TWO novels - the first and the third simultaneously while editing the second. It's going to be a wicked crazy month. No lie. My friends all think I've lost my mind and am going to die this month and they probably aren't far off. But it will indeed be interesting, that much I can tell.

Until next time,

Ashley the Crazy Awesome and Brilliant

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy day :)

It's my birthday today and I just wanted to thank my friends for being so awesome and not calling me a loser (more than necessary) for wanting to write for a living. :) Ten more days until NaNoWriMo!

Until next time,

Ashley the Awesome, Brilliant, and Fantastic Nineteen year old weirdo :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I am...Insane.

I'm just sitting in a lounge area nine minutes before my psych class starts and...I just realized what I'm actually going to be doing next month. I guess I was naive last year when doing NaNoWriMo but seriously...I'm going to be writing a book. 50,000 words. In a month. Granted, the one I turned in last year had song lyrics, the updated list of pokemon and some pretty detailed but useless dreams. I probably amassed a total of 20,000 useful words that month. And I ended up changing the plot, the characters and the intent of the story over the course of this year. I completed that work over the summer. And now I'm changing it again. So last year...useless pretty much. This year...I'm writing the first book in the series. And I know what's going to happen and who the characters REALLY are. There's no fooling around with this one. I'm writing a BOOK. And it's kind of scary. Not going to lie. But it will get done and it will be useful this year. :D And now with five minutes to get to class, I will leave you with this final note. Anyone that has read any part of the book I wrote over the summer...yeah what it is and what it will be within the next year are two completely separate things. My bad. But it's going to be a HECK of a lot better. That much I can promise. And now I really have to run.

Until next time,

Ashley the Awesome, Brilliant and Ambitious

Monday, October 18, 2010

With NaNoWriMo steadily drawing closer, I can't help but think about my characters, plots and changes I need to make and I think I have finally got an idea that will work and leave behind any plot holes I have been desperately trying to fill. A synopsis has been drawn up for the first book in the series and I have an idea of how it's going to be structured and formatted. The plot will most likely come within the next few days. I hope. The book I wrote over the summer is the skeleton of the second book of the trilogy, and there are some very loose ideas about the third. Hopefully this will work!

Until next time,

Ashley the Awesome and Brilliant

Monday, October 11, 2010


With NaNoWriMo just around the corner, there are more and more ideas about the trilogy I'm writing that are flooding in. Ways to resolve the disaster of a story I wrote over the summer, ways to write around that story and create a saga. It's good. I'm quite pleased.

Until then,

Ashley the Brilliantly Awesome