Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I am...Insane.

I'm just sitting in a lounge area nine minutes before my psych class starts and...I just realized what I'm actually going to be doing next month. I guess I was naive last year when doing NaNoWriMo but seriously...I'm going to be writing a book. 50,000 words. In a month. Granted, the one I turned in last year had song lyrics, the updated list of pokemon and some pretty detailed but useless dreams. I probably amassed a total of 20,000 useful words that month. And I ended up changing the plot, the characters and the intent of the story over the course of this year. I completed that work over the summer. And now I'm changing it again. So last year...useless pretty much. This year...I'm writing the first book in the series. And I know what's going to happen and who the characters REALLY are. There's no fooling around with this one. I'm writing a BOOK. And it's kind of scary. Not going to lie. But it will get done and it will be useful this year. :D And now with five minutes to get to class, I will leave you with this final note. Anyone that has read any part of the book I wrote over the summer...yeah what it is and what it will be within the next year are two completely separate things. My bad. But it's going to be a HECK of a lot better. That much I can promise. And now I really have to run.

Until next time,

Ashley the Awesome, Brilliant and Ambitious

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