Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NaNoWriMo in: four days!

Yay! I'm way excited about this - I've been coming up with summaries and plot synopsis's and have just been planning up a storm. My desk is clean, my inspiration board is done (post-its this time) and I'm so ready for this. Like, you have NO IDEA how ready I am for this. Oh! I also have my fingerless gloves and people to keep me on track this next month. Which I'm going to need DESPERATELY because I'm writing TWO novels - the first and the third simultaneously while editing the second. It's going to be a wicked crazy month. No lie. My friends all think I've lost my mind and am going to die this month and they probably aren't far off. But it will indeed be interesting, that much I can tell.

Until next time,

Ashley the Crazy Awesome and Brilliant

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