Friday, February 18, 2011


Just sketching some scenes, getting a few more ideas, but now the dirty work starts to come into play. As in, rewriting. Yay. :D

Ashley :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

New Ideas!

Well...I wasn't thinking about plot or stuff writerly related, except for my monologue and it was during Acting that a new idea popped into my head. It's worth exploring but it ties me to the storyline (the last book, mainly) in a much more personal way and I'm scared. There will be a...much deeper level, I think and it's a side of me that only three people have ever seen and I didn't even mean to let them in on how deeply affected I am by what I'm about to write about. Just thought I'd share that...because I thought it would be worth sharing. And on that note, I read a quote somewhere and I can never, for the life of me, remember who said it but it's "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader" so just know that when I write this last book, I will be majorly investing in Kleenex. It will take all the strength I have to get through it but I think it's worth telling the world. So in the coming years, just know that what I'm doing will hopefully be making a difference, not just in the lives of readers but also in the lives of people who are desperately searching for a cure. You'll find out more later.

With love,


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

OH. Hi!

Well, I'm getting better at this. Yes! *little happy dance*

I'm slowly acclimating myself to school again - taking two months off probably isn't the best thing to do after working hard my first semester...not that I could help it. I blame the school. XD In acting we had to do an interview with someone and write a monologue on an experience of theirs, so that's what I've been focusing on for the past few days. It's definitely more challenging than I thought because you really have to get inside this person's head. Honestly, I'd much rather find monologues than write them...

In other news...I really haven't been doing many writerly things (aside from the monologue). Mainly just school, cross-stitching (hopefully more of that will happen), school and reading. That's where it's at. :D In completely unrelated, completely random news, creme-based caramel macchiatos are REALLY good and the perfect solution to staying up WAY later than I should have (cleaning my room) and it being FREEZING outside. Just a thought. :)

