Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Really Need to Find Some Woods

So, I've made it common knowledge that I live in Texas (aka the desert) and I've found it difficult to write certain scenes in my book because they take place in the woods, but it's supposed to be a really magical type of forest. No matter how hard I've tried, I just can't get a solid description down because even though I see it in my mind, I don't quite know how to express it to others. If I could see them in person, then yes, the task would be more feasible. One of my many weaknesses as a writer - I have to see things in order to get it right. So...I went on deviantart today and looked up a bunch of pictures of forests and woods and found over 100 that I really liked, so maybe this will help me get past this stumbling block in the road to success. Or at least finishing on time. It was pretty funny seeing how many people commented on my profile (I made a new account so my friends wouldn't think I was crazy...well, crazier) saying "Welcome to deviantart!" I didn't have the heart to tell them that I've been using the site for over two years. :) So, I guess I will go back to writing, seeing as I have a deadline to meet and a long night ahead of me.

Until next time,

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