Wednesday, August 4, 2010

After the Finish

So it's recommended that after finishing a draft, an author puts it away for about three months and then looks at it with fresh eyes. Well, guess what? THAT'S GOING TO DRIVE ME CRAZY!

Lucky for me, I have other non-writing things I can do for my book. Like finish making the ultimate playlist for writing said book so that when I DO get around to editing it, I'll have background music to write to. Or I can remake the collage of inspiration. Or read all my favorite books again and highlight the parts that I REALLY liked and determine why I like them and see how I can emulate that channel of inspiration into my own work.

And then there's all the other things like cross-stitching, drawing, practicing my violin and chores that I have basically been neglecting since last November (hehe nanowrimo month, go figure).

OH! I'm also (once it gets printed out) going to give a copy to my 12th grade english teacher for her to edit and help me revise, as well as one to my private violin teacher because she's going to try and find music to fit different parts of the story. How cool is that!? Now if only my family could be this supportive lol. :D

Current theme song for my book: Hero by Skillet

Current favorite quote from story: "I can hear the lie in your voice" ~ Paul (How the Cards Fell: Chapter 4)

Until next time,

Ashley the Overworked

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