Saturday, August 14, 2010

Holy Cow

I didn't realize it'd been this long since I posted! My bad! Not much has really happened other than the fact that I have been sick off and on all week. A kiddie ride at Sea World nearly got the best of me actually. It was pretty bad. Still is, actually, but I think I'll survive. Basically, I've just been redoing character charts to get to know my characters more and just hanging out, not reading my draft of suckitude (I really owe it to Chris Baty for coming up with that word lol). Yeah, it's been relaxing in the sense that I don't have to read it. I'm actually thinking about just rewriting my second draft from scratch and not even bothering to fix the first one. I admit that I'm too embarrassed to read it again. No lies. I'm probably just going to go back to bed and sleep off whatever it is that I have because my cousin is in town and I don't want to be sick the entire time he's here. And I also have a friend's party to go to tonight and I really don't want to have to miss it.

Until next time,

Ashley the ill

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