Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just a Tip

So, when I'm writing, I always either get really really tired or really really hungry. So. To solve both of these at the same time, I made sure to always keep some form of junk food (cheez-its, reese's puffs etc.) on hand - it kept me somewhat busy so I could keep my eyes open and I wasn't quite as hungry anymore. That being said, make sure to take a break every now and then to stretch so you don't get too stiff or whatever.

The only reason I thought of mentioning this is because I just ran out of cheez-its. Not that I was writing or anything. No, I'm staying true to my resolution of not writing for the next three months - good for viewing the manuscript with fresh eyes, like I said earlier. It is true though - needing that break. For example, when I gave the prologue to my violin teacher, I didn't realize I hadn't fixed the locations in the book because I changed them a few weeks ago - I thought I did when I scanned through it, but I was so used to what it said and everything that I wasn't paying close enough attention. And believe me, I felt mighty embarrassed when she mentioned that the places I used were the places I grew up in. (I started off using my hometown and my current home as places of reference because they were what I knew best but changed it later on because it didn't work as well as I thought it would - if only I payed more attention...)

Anyways...yeah. I was just surfing the net and was hungry so I grabbed my handy box of cheez-its because it was the closest thing to me. Such inspiration.

I did end up making a list of all the movies and books I want to see/read for further inspiration - it's a pretty long list so I'll just mention a few at a time.

The Proposal
Sherlock Holmes
Pride & Prejudice (Keira Knightley version)
The Corpse Bride

The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter
The Pale Assassin by Patricia Elliott
The Luxe series by Anna Godberson
House of Night series (I focused on Tempted and Burned) by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

And more to come. :)

Until next time,

Ashley the Recuperating

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