Monday, August 2, 2010


Oh my goodness today has been eventful! I went to my friend's surprise party and played some pretty epic frisbee and ninja games - no lies, two people battled it out in the bushes and my friend Sam jumped out at me, and another friend of mine, Josh, climbed a tree to avoid getting out. The most hilarious thing to watch was him falling out of it. But then it became between the two of us and it was very tiring - like intense dancing. Wicked awesome though.

And then I came home and cranked out chapter 17 so now all I have to do is finish chapter 10! OH MY GOSH! It's almost over! And then rewrites begin. But I won't think about that just yet - my new main stresser is where I'm going to print the's currently at 117 pages (probably going to end up being around 120-123 pages long) so that's going to be a bit pricey at staples or kinkos...yay. Haha - some people said writing the novel was the hardest part - I beg to differ. Editing it and rewriting it seems to be the biggest complication right now. lol I'm just going to finish writing chapter 10 before I continue on this rant. I'M SO EXCITED!

Until next time,

Ashley the Overly Excited

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